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Trump Reportedly Spent $58 Million In Campaign Funds On Legal Fees And Compliance (Huffpost)


Trump Reportedly Spent $58 Million In Campaign Funds On Legal Fees And Compliance – By Mary Papenfuss (Huffpost) / Sept 6 2020

Some of the spending bankrolled his fight against a California law requiring him to release his tax returns before he could run again, according to The New York Times.

President Donald Trump has commandeered an astonishing $58.4 million in campaign donations for legal and compliance fees, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The president has treated campaign coffers like his own “piggy bank,” sending millions to law firms for whatever battle he wants to fight, including some protecting his own interests, according to the Times.

The legal fees are in addition to the contributions that Trump is funneling into his own pockets by charging his campaign and the Republican National Committee for lodging, event space and catering. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort hoovered up some $400,000 in just two days for a campaign event earlier this year. As of last year, his businesses had collected nearly $17 million since he launched his first presidential campaign.

His campaign is also paying Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, $180,000 a year each for work, HuffPost has reported.

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