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Trump Republicans are terrified of new government initiative to fight Russian misinformation (Daily Kos)


Trump Republicans are terrified of new government initiative to fight Russian misinformation – By Aldous J Pennyfarthing (Daily Kos) / April 29, 2022

The entire Republican brand has been built on a wobbly foundation of vile lies and exaggerations. It has to be. How else do you convince people that cruelly suppressing flows of immigrants to a country that faces both short- and long-term labor shortages is a good idea? Or that harassing gay and trans kids and the companies that support them somehow makes up for scuttling a child tax credit that would vastly improve the lives of tens of millions of parents in this country?

Without Russian lies and misinformation, it’s a safe bet Donald Trump would have spent recent years snorting Adderall out of his carpet until his brain bled, repeatedly bragging about passing dementia tests, and tweeting incomprehensible nonsense from his toilet. Which is pretty much what he did anyway, of course—but he would have been doing it on his own time, and in his own home, not forcing us to observe every lurid plot twist in his profane horror show. And his toilet would likely have been powerful enough to completely flush all his embarrassing errors and revolting secrets, up to and including Eric.

So it stands to reason that conservatives would freak about a new initiative to counter the disinformation upon which they rely.

CONTINUE > https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/29/2094781/-Trump-Republicans-are-terrified-of-new-government-initiative-to-fight-Russian-misinformation



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