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Trump retweets account that traffics in wild conspiracy theories, accused Hillary Clinton of murder


It’s probably about time to start production of Idiocracy Part 2: Reality Check. I seem to recall Conservative Commentators complaining about POTUS Barry’s use of Social Media by complaining about FOX, I don’t recall him retweeting conspiracy theories about Hillary killing interns and another being secretly gay. 

Adolescent resident. Wasting another night on planning my revenge” Yep too bad Media covers the monkey wrenches POTUS Donnie tosses instead of real important news – PB/TK 

Trump retweets account that traffics in wild conspiracy theories, accused Hillary Clinton of murder – By Aaron Rupar / Aug 4 2017

A Twitter account President Trump retweeted Friday morning has posted a series of incendiary tweets, including one accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering former DNC staffer Seth Rich. Another tweet claimed the former president Barack Obama had a secret male lover.

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