Trump says he feels like a coronavirus ‘Superman’ at Pennsylvania rally as virus cases surge in the state (The Philadelphia Inquirer)


    Trump says he feels like a coronavirus ‘Superman’ at Pennsylvania rally as virus cases surge in the state – By Sean Collins Walsh and Andrew Seidman (The Philadelphia Inquirer) / Oct 13 2020

    JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — President Donald Trump returned to this former Pennsylvania industrial hub Tuesday night for his second campaign rally since being treated for COVID-19 and declared that he “felt like Superman.”

    “I feel your pain because I felt your pain,” an energized Trump told a raucous crowd of thousands at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport.

    “This election is a simple choice,” said Trump, who emerged from Air Force One without wearing a face mask. “If Biden wins, China wins. All these other countries win. We get ripped off by everybody. If we win, you win, Pennsylvania wins, and America wins. Very simple.”

    Trump’s campaign stop here came a day after his doctor said the president had tested negative for COVID-19 on “consecutive days” and was “not infectious to others.” Some medical experts questioned the latter conclusion, saying the type of test Trump took doesn’t show whether those who have contracted the virus should continue isolating.

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