Trump signs $3.9 billion VA funding bill to avert crisis for Choice program


    POTUS Donnie signs VA Funding bill to help fund Veterans CHOICE program for next 6 months – PB/TK 

    Trump signs $3.9 billion VA funding bill to avert crisis for Choice program – By Nikki Wentling / Aug 12 2017

    WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Saturday signed a $3.9 billion funding deal for the Department of Veterans Affairs that will shore up the nearly bankrupt Veterans Choice Program and allow the VA to open 28 new clinics and implement new hiring programs.

    Trump signed the bill in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he’s staying at his golf club on what he’s called a 17-day “working vacation.” The bill – a compromise created and supported by Democrats and Republicans – will provide $2.1 billion to the Choice program, which allows veterans to seek care outside of the VA. It will also invest $1.8 billion into hiring health care providers and leasing new clinics.

    Without congressional action, the Choice program was expected to be depleted of money by mid-August, which VA leaders said would’ve led to layoffs and interrupted medical care for thousands of veterans.

    “This bill will ensure veterans will continue to have the ability to see the doctor of their choice. So important,” Trump said. “Our great veterans deserve only the best and that’s what they’re getting.”

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