Trump Suggested Imprisoning Journalists Over Leaks, Comey Memo Alleges


    Everyday it builds up higher higher. I actually feel bad for members of this administration PR dept, because no matter how high the flames get, when they ask for water POTUS hands them gasoline. You can’t quiet the press (or internet sites or bloggers or Billy Bush or….) – PB/TK

    Trump Suggested Imprisoning Journalists Over Leaks, Comey Memo Alleges – By

    President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to consider imprisoning journalists for reporting classified information, The New York Times reported, citing a memo the head G-Man wrote after speaking to Trump.
    The conversation, the paper reported, occurred in February following the resignation of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.
    Related: Why Republicans won’t abandon Trump despite Comey Memo
    The non-profit group Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press criticized Trump’s alleged request in a statement on Tuesday: “The comments attributed to President Trump cross a dangerous line,” said the group’s executive director Bruce Brown. “But no president gets to jail journalists. Reporters are protected by judges and juries, by a Congress that relies on them to stay informed, and by a Justice Department that for decades has honored the role of a free press by spurning prosecutions of journalists for publishing leaks of classified information.
    “Comments such as these, emerging in the way they did, only remind us that every day public servants are reaching out to reporters to ensure the public is aware of the risks today to rule of law in this country. The president’s remarks should not intimidate the press but inspire it.”
    Following Trump’s suggestion that members of the press should be imprisoned, the president reportedly encouraged Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, who made false statements about his discussions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. (The White House denies Comey’s version of events).
    The New York Times reported that Comey wrote up the conversation in series of memos about conversations he had with the president that he felt were improper.

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