Trump supports stimulus payments larger than $1,200 in next stimulus bill, he tells FBN (FOX Business)


    Trump supports stimulus payments larger than $1,200 in next stimulus bill, he tells FBN – By Brittany De Lea (FOX Business) / July 1 2020

    President said he wants money to get into people’s pockets so they can spend it

    President Trump supports another round of economic impact payments to individuals, he told FOX Business on Wednesday.

    Trump told FOX Business’ Blake Burman that he supported the measure as part of another stimulus package, so long as it “done properly.”

    “I support actually larger numbers than the Democrats, but it’s got to be done properly,” Trump said. “I want the money getting to people to be larger so they can spend it. I want the money to get there quickly and in a noncomplicated fashion.”

    The Democrats have advocated for another round of $1,200 payments, indicating Trump would like to see checks in excess of that amount.

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