Trump talks tough on North Korea, but options limited


    So ya thump your chest in “war cry” but is that the only option available when discussing North Korea? Everyone knows all the Kim boys had daddy issues but playing it out on the world stage is a bit much. Oh and don’t go thinking “North Korea ain’t got nothing to offer” when they are sitting on the motherload of natural minerals we use in our daily lives. So when China and other Southeast Asia countries run out (which they are coming close to doing) guess who holds the power – PB/TK

    Trump talks tough on North Korea, but options limited – Reuters / July 4  2017

    U.S. President Donald Trump has employed tough rhetoric in response to North Korea’s missile tests, but his options appear limited in dealing with a challenge that has vexed his Oval Office predecessors.
    U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Pyongyang’s test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on the eve of Tuesday’s U.S. Independence Day a global threat, as experts cautioned that Alaska may now be within range.

    Most options for cracking down on Pyongyang fall into four categories: economic sanctions, covert action, diplomatic negotiations and military force.

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