Trump to nominate Jon Huntsman as US ambassador to Russia


    POTUS Donnie makes a good call in nominating Jon Huntsman the Russian Ambassador gig  – PB/TK

    Trump to nominate Jon Huntsman as US ambassador to Russia – By Ken Thomas / July 18 2017

    President Donald Trump announced his intention Tuesday to nominate former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman to be U.S. ambassador to Russia.

    If confirmed, the former 2012 GOP presidential candidate would take over a high-profile post amid ongoing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and potential contacts between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.

    Huntsman has twice served as an ambassador. He was the nation’s top diplomat to Singapore under President George H.W. Bush and then served in that role in China under President Barack Obama before returning to the U.S. to run for president.

    Huntsman was also briefly under consideration to be Trump’s secretary of state.

    Still, the White House misspelled Huntsman’s first name in its press release announcing Trump’s intention, calling him “Governor John Huntsman Jr. of Utah” instead of Jon.

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