Trump uses Fox News interview to accuse Biden of taking drugs (Yahoo)


    Trump uses Fox News interview to accuse Biden of taking drugs – By Martin Pengelly (The Guardian) / Sept 12 2020

    Fox News broadcast an interview on Saturday night in which Donald Trump without any evidence accused Joe Biden of taking drugs to get him through debates.

    “I think there’s probably – possibly – drugs involved,” Trump told Jeanine Pirro. “That’s what I hear. I mean, there’s possibly drugs. I don’t know how you can go from being so bad where you can’t even get out a sentence … ”

    Trump did not finish his own sentence, but he went on to say he was referring to the Democratic presidential nominee’s hesitant performances in early primary debates, before his surge to victory on the back of a win in South Carolina.

    “You saw some of those debates with the large number of people on the stage,” Trump said. “He was, I mean, I used to say, ‘How is it possible that he can go forward?”

    According to the president, Biden won the nomination because the progressive vote was split.

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