Tucker Carlson calls for Senator Burr to resign over insider trading ahead of coronavirus (Yahoo)


    Tucker Carlson calls for Senator Burr to resign over insider trading ahead of coronavirus – By Stephen Proctor (Yahoo Entertainment) / March 20 2020

    On Thursday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called for Republican Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina to resign and be prosecuted for insider trading. Earlier in the day, it was reported that the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman sold stock in mid-February that he knew would take a hit due to the coronavirus. And while Burr downplayed the threat of the coronavirus publicly, NPR obtained a recording of him privately warning of its dangers.

    “There is one thing about this,” Burr is heard saying in the recording, “it is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we have seen in recent history. It’s probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”

    The 1918 pandemic to which Burr is referring is estimated to have killed between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide.

    Carlson slammed Burr not only for insider trading, but also for not warning the public about how dangerous the coronavirus actually is.

    “He had inside information about what could happen to our country, which is now happening, but he didn’t warn the public,” Carlson said. “He didn’t give a prime time address. He didn’t go on television to sound the alarm…Instead, what did he do? He dumped his share in hotel stocks so he wouldn’t lose money, and then he stayed silent.”

    Carlson went on to call for Burr to resign and be prosecuted.

    Continue to article: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tucker-carlson-calls-for-senator-burr-to-resign-over-insider-trading-ahead-of-coronavirus-055910184.html


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