U.S. Congress members ask Canada to save the NEXUS trusted traveler program (CBC News)


    U.S. Congress members ask Canada to save the NEXUS trusted traveler program – By John Paul Tasker (CBC News) / November 4, 2022

    ‘For good reason, we’re at wit’s end,’ New York Congressman Brian Higgins says

    A bipartisan group of U.S. Congress members is trying to push past what it sees as Ottawa’s reluctance to solve an ongoing dispute about the NEXUS trusted traveller program that eases the flow of people across the Canada-U.S. border.

    New York Rep. Brian Higgins, Michigan Rep. Bill Huizenga, and Washington Reps. Rick Larsen and Suzan DelBene sent a letter to their Canadian counterparts on the Canada-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group Friday, asking for their “assistance navigating an issue of mutual concern: the NEXUS backlog and continued closure of Canadian service centres.”

    NEXUS centres south of the border reopened in April after a pandemic-related pause.

    Canada, however, hasn’t done the same with its enrolment centres because of concerns about extending legal protections to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers operating on Canadian soil — protections that those same officers already enjoy at pre-clearance sites at Canada’s airports.

    CONTINUE > https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nexus-hanging-by-a-thread-1.6641155

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