U.S. prosecutors accuse Honduran president of taking drug bribes (UPI)


    U.S. prosecutors accuse Honduran president of taking drug bribes – By Darryl Coote (UPI) / March 4 2020

    March 4 (UPI) — U.S. prosecutors said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez accepted tens of thousands of dollars in bribes from a man charged with conspiring to import cocaine into the United States.

    The accusation against the Honduran president came in a complaint filed Tuesday, accusing Geovanny Daniel Fuentes Ramirez of conspiring with Honduran politicians and police to operate a cocaine lab and distribute tons of the narcotic into the United States through maritime routes.

    According to the complaint, Ramirez is accused of giving Hernandez $25,000 in 2013 “on the understanding that [he] would facilitate protection for Fuentes Ramirez from law enforcement scrutiny.”

    The complaint also states Hernandez — who was elected to his first term in 2013 and took office in 2014 — agreed to deploy the Honduran military as security for Ramirez’s drug-trafficking business.

    Continue to article: https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2020/03/04/US-prosecutors-accuse-Honduran-president-of-taking-drug-bribes/1651583303071/?ts_=4

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