Home Liberal Ukraine Paid Cohen $400k to Book Meeting With Trump (Talking Points Memo)

Ukraine Paid Cohen $400k to Book Meeting With Trump (Talking Points Memo)


Ukraine Paid Cohen $400k to Book Meeting With Trump
By Josh Marshall (talkingpointsmemo.com) / May 23 2018

The BBC is reporting that after being kept at arms length by the White House, the President of Ukraine paid Michael Cohen at least $400,000 to arrange a meeting between the President Poroshenko and Trump.

Key detail from BBC report …

Cohen was brought in, he said, because Ukraine’s registered lobbyists and embassy in Washington DC could get Poroshenko little more than a brief photo-op with Trump. Poroshenko needed something that could be portrayed as “talks”.

This senior official’s account is as follows – Poroshenko decided to establish a back channel to Trump. The task was given to a former aide, who asked a loyal Ukrainian MP for help.

He in turn used personal contacts in a Jewish charity in New York state, Chabad of Port Washington. This eventually led to Michael Cohen, the president’s lawyer and trusted fixer. Cohen was paid $400,000.



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