Wanted: Young People To Work The Polls This November (NPR)


    Wanted: Young People To Work The Polls This November – By Barbara Sprunt (NPR) / Aug 5 2020

    Susan Weiss has been a poll worker in Bethesda, Md., for 16 years.

    “It’s really quite an experience doing it,” she says. “Setting up all the equipment, putting signs up, putting arrows on the floor, etc. The camaraderie of the group that volunteers is marvelous.”

    But this year, with the coronavirus pandemic raging, Weiss, who’s 74, decided it’s just too risky to work the election in November.

    “I’m a very patriotic person. I felt this is just a duty that we should have, you know? So not doing it, it makes me sad,” she says. “And I feel a little selfish about it because there are people that are really putting themselves out there during this pandemic and I marvel at that, I marvel at our first responders. But should I get the virus, I’m quite concerned over my being able to survive it.”

    Instead, her grandson, Max Weiss, is going to take her place at the polls.

    He’s a law student at William & Mary and helped form the Alliance of Students at the Polls, which is building a national network of law students to serve as workers.

    Continue to article:  https://www.npr.org/2020/08/05/894331965/wanted-young-people-to-work-the-polls-this-november


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