Washington Post reporter apologizes for ‘bad tweet’ after Trump calls him out (FOX News)


    Washington Post reporter apologizes for ‘bad tweet’ after Trump calls him out – By Alex Pappas (foxnews.com) / Dec 10 2017

    A Washington Post reporter on Saturday apologized for his “bad tweet” after President Trump called him out by name for posting a misleading photo about the crowd size during Friday’s rally.

    “It was a bad tweet on my personal account, not a story for Washington Post,” the reporter, Dave Weigel, tweeted Saturday. “I deleted it after like 20 minutes. Very fair to call me out.”

    “Very fair to call me out,” Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel said Saturday, after President Donald Trump tweeted about a photo Weigel posted online.

    In a now-deleted tweet, Weigel, known for his humorous take on the news on Twitter, posted a photo of a half empty arena to mock Trump for saying Friday’s rally in Pensacola was “packed to the rafters.”

    But that photo was not taken while Trump was speaking. Trump tweeted photos showing the arena full.

    Said Trump: “.@daveweigel @washingtonpost put out a phony photo of an empty arena hours before I arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands of people outside, on their way in. Real photos now shown as I spoke. Packed house, many people unable to get in. Demand apology & retraction from FAKE NEWS WaPo!”

    “Sure thing: I apologize,” Weigel replied, saying he deleted the photo after another reporter informed him he had “gotten it wrong.”

    The president, though, wasn’t satisfied with Weigel’s apology.
    “FAKE NEWS, he should be fired,” Trump tweeted.

    Earlier on Saturday, the president had boasted on Twitter about the size of the crowd.

    “Arena was packed to the rafters, the crowd was loud, loving and really smart,” he said. “They definitely get what’s going on. Thank you Pensacola!”


    PB/TK – All the things going on in the World: North Korea building nukes, riots in Jerusalem, Cali’s firestorm, Houston building snowmen and POTUS Donnie is worried about correcting a reporter who made a quip on his personal twitter page about crowd size.  Crowd size, how egomaniacal thin-skinned can one to be to worry about their own hype as the endorse an accused pedophile for Congress. 



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