Watchdog says FCC must address basic cyber hygiene issues (Federal Times)


    Watchdog says FCC must address basic cyber hygiene issues – By Andrew Eversden (Fifth Domain) / April 27 2020

    The Federal Communications Commission still has data flowing through its network without proper encryption, according to an April 24 report from the Government Accountability Office.

    The GAO report looked at the implementation status of 136 information security recommendations from a September 2019 evaluation by the watchdog agency. As of November 2019, it found that the FCC has fully implemented 85 of the recommendations, with 10 partially implemented and another 41 not addressed.

    Key steps that the FCC must take, the GAO wrote, include resolving known vulnerabilities, applying security patches and improving network-monitoring capabilities.

    The FCC is in the process of correcting basic cybersecurity shortfalls, like properly protecting data, giving IT systems proper authorization to operate and speeding up incident response. According to the GAO, the FCC has created action plans to address the remaining recommendations by April 2021.

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