What are the consequences of voting twice in an election? (The Hill)


    What are the consequences of voting twice in an election? – By Tal Axelrod (The Hill) / Sept 12 2020

    President Trump has in recent months roiled an election already upended by the coronavirus pandemic, alleging repeatedly without evidence that voting by mail poses security concerns.

    The president sparked further criticism when he suggested that supporters in North Carolina vote in person after casting their absentee ballots. This week, officials in Georgia said they were investigating 1,000 cases of people voting twice in state elections — though questions remain as to whether they did so intentionally.

    With Election Day approaching, here’s a look at what the consequences are of voting twice in an election.

    Is voting twice illegal?

    Voting twice is illegal in federal elections under federal law. Voters who cast “votes more than once in an election” will be fined “not more than $10,000” and “imprisoned not more than five years, or both,” according to federal law.

    Continue to article: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/516082-what-happens-if-you-vote-twice


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