What unites Planned Parenthood, Kushner and Kanye? PPP loans (NBC News)


    What unites Planned Parenthood, Kushner and Kanye? PPP loans – By Jonathan Allen and Rich Gardella (NBC News) / July 6 2020

    Many revelations caught the attention of those across the political spectrum as they pored over the names of more than 600,000 loan recipients released by the government.

    WASHINGTON — The federal government backed loans totaling as much as $150 million for Planned Parenthood affiliates in recent weeks, according to federal Paycheck Protection Program data released Monday by the Small Business Administration.

    The loans infuriated anti-abortion-rights conservatives, who cheered last year when President Donald Trump moved successfully to block the organization from getting access to the federal government’s main family planning fund.

    “Planned Parenthood shouldn’t have received a dime from the government’s PPP program,” Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., a close Trump ally, said in a tweet. “It’s sick!”

    The Planned Parenthood money was just one of many revelations that caught the attention of lawmakers and activists across the political spectrum as they pored over the names of more than 600,000 loan recipients Monday. Ultimately, Congress and Trump placed few restrictions on eligibility for the loan program, which was designed to help struggling small businesses and nonprofits meet payroll during the coronavirus crisis.

    But in addition to restaurants, mom-and-pop shops and churches, the list of beneficiaries includes a private school named for a grandfather of Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, companies with ties to lawmakers and their families, Washington lobbying shops, Wall Street investment firms and private jet managers.

    Continue to article: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/what-unites-planned-parenthood-kushner-kanye-ppp-loans-n1233038


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