When a first-term Democratic president struggles, people talk about Jimmy Carter (NPR)


    When a first-term Democratic president struggles, people talk about Jimmy Carter – By Ron Elving (NPR) / July 10, 2022

    President Biden, like any second-year occupant in the Oval Office, does not much like the phrase “one-term president.”

    As a Democrat, he presumably does not enjoy the comparison some are making between him and Jimmy Carter, the only Democratic president since the 1800s that the voters sent packing after just four years.

    But that comparison is, as they say, out there. And as the White House ponders staff moves in the months ahead, it knows it needs to address the dread “Carter model.”

    To be fair, Carter’s ill-fated presidency occurred during extraordinarily difficult times, beset by numerous global crises and dogged by economic conditions he largely inherited from his predecessor. Biden’s defenders might say the same.

    CONTINUE > https://www.npr.org/2022/07/10/1110486735/when-a-first-term-democratic-president-struggles-people-talk-about-jimmy-carter

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