White House discussing asking foreign visitors for social media info and cell phone contacts


    In an effort to help combat terrorism the State Dept is thinking of asking foreign visitors, but not all, to disclose what websites they visit. Because a terrorist is gonna tell ya they regularly visit Big Al’s Terrorist Zone quarterly on the web. – PB/TK

    White House discussing asking foreign visitors for social media info and cell phone contacts

    Updated 9:01 AM ET, Sun January 29, 2017

    Washington (CNN)Amid the chaos and confusion of President Donald Trump’s new executive order on immigration and refugees, sources tell CNN that White House policy director Stephen Miller spoke with officials of the State Department, Customs and Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security and others to tell them that the President is deeply committed to the executive order and the public is firmly behind it — urging them not to get distracted by what he described as hysterical voices on TV.

    Continue to cnn.com article: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/29/politics/donald-trump-immigrant-policy-social-media-contacts/index.html?adkey=bn


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