White House to release state coronavirus reports previously kept out of public view in Trump administration (CNN)


    White House to release state coronavirus reports previously kept out of public view in Trump administration – By Betsy Klein (CNN) / January 29 2021

    (CNN)The transition from the Trump to the Biden administration has brought significant changes to the US Covid-19 strategy, and with it, a new level of transparency.

    In addition to thrice-weekly virtual press briefings on the pandemic, the Biden administration is making another key change in its outreach to states. The White House will now be publicly releasing its weekly state-specific Covid-19 reports, which began during the Trump administration in June.

    “In our effort to increase transparency, we’re releasing public weekly COVID-19 reports with local pandemic data previously only available to states. Take a look at what’s happening in your state here,” the Biden White House Covid-19 Response Team said in a tweet Friday, linking to HealthData.gov, which provides downloadable reports for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

    A White House official told CNN the administration is “committed to being a partner to states for resources and clear guidance” and will “be transparent even when it is not easy or when the truth is difficult.”

    CONTINUE > https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/29/politics/white-house-task-force-state-reports/index.html


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