White Man Convicted of Beating Black Man at Charlottesville Rally – By Associated Press (time.com) / May 2 2018
(CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.) — A white Arkansas man charged in the beating of a black man during a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has been found guilty of malicious wounding.
News outlets report 23-year-old Jacob Scott Goodwin was found guilty Tuesday for the August attack on 20-year-old DeAndre Harris.
The jury recommended a sentence of 10 years, with the option of suspending some time and a $20,000 fine.
Harris suffered a spinal injury, a broken arm and head lacerations that required eight staples after the parking garage assault. Three others were arrested.
Goodwin claimed self-defense. However, Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Nina-Alice Antony says it was Goodwin who wanted to square off.
The rally was held to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a city park.