White woman loses it on Latino man in crowded store: ‘This is my f**king country’


    Stay Classy. Would you turn down assistance from someone you don’t agree with? Sorry being irritated/upset doesn’t cancel out your action – PB/TK

    White woman loses it on Latino man in crowded store: ‘This is my f**king country’ – By Sarah Taylor /  May  22 2017

    An unidentified white woman called a Latino male a racial slur and threatened him in a Manassas, Va. area Sprint store after he he offered his assistance to her.

    While on the phone, the woman tells a Sprint representative that she’s “in the ghetto,” and is unhappy that she’s had to visit two stores to receive services she requested.

    After a Latino male — off camera — offers that there’s a store in nearby Fairfax, Va., the woman snaps, “I wasn’t talking to you. And don’t listen to my conversation.”

    “You better watch who the f**k you’re talking to ’cause I’m not the one,” she continues.

    Continue to theblaze.com article: http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/05/22/white-woman-loses-it-on-latino-man-in-crowded-store-this-is-my-fking-country/


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