Home Liberal Whoopi Goldberg Goes Off on Roseanne for Promoting Fake Meme About Her...

Whoopi Goldberg Goes Off on Roseanne for Promoting Fake Meme About Her (Daily Beast)


Whoopi Goldberg Goes Off on Roseanne for Promoting Fake Meme About Her – By Matt Wilstein (dailybeast.com) / May 30 2018

“Just because you were caught with your pants down, don’t try to drag other people down with you,” the host of ‘The View’ told Barr Wednesday morning.

Roseanne Barr’s career might be over. And she’s trying to bring everyone else down with her.

The creator and star of ABC’s now-cancelled Roseanne spent much of Tuesday night and Wednesday morning alternating between heartfelt apology and cruel recrimination on the Twitter account that got her into trouble in the first place.

Among the retweets she shared with her followers was one that purported to show her fellow comedian—and moderator of ABC’s The View—wearing a t-shirt that depicted Donald Trump shooting himself in the head along with the words “Make America Great Again.” But the image, supposedly taken at the 2017 Women’s March, had been doctored. In reality, Goldberg’s shirt read, “And you thought I was a nasty woman before? Buckle up, buttercup.”


“Here we go again,” Goldberg said Wednesday morning on The View before debunking the false narrative about herself once more. “Some bonehead photoshopped a horrific image on the shirt and she retweeted this!”

“So this is what I’m going to say, Roseanne,” she continued. “Just because you were caught with your pants down, don’t try to drag other people down with you.” Goldberg added later, “I didn’t fake my shirt, someone else faked my shirt. But that’s your tweet. That tweet came from you. So that’s yours. You did this to yourself.”


In addition to sharing fake memes of Goldberg and her original target, Valerie Jarrett, Barr also retweeted a message that called on ABC to fire The View’s Joy Behar for suggesting that Vice President Mike Pence’s Christianity is a form of “mental illness.” Behar ultimately apologized both publicly and to the vice president, who said he had forgiven her.

As a comedian, Behar said on Wednesday that she tends to defend those who go “under the gun” for making jokes. “We stick our foot in our mouths, I’ve done it many times, I’ve had to apologize many times, but I just felt like this went over the line,” she said of Barr’s racist tweet about Jarrett.

“This was an egregious offense,” Behar added. “Even though I say we all make mistakes—mea culpa—it went over the line, so I can’t defend it.”


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