Home Liberal Why Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski isn’t afraid of Donald Trump

Why Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski isn’t afraid of Donald Trump


Alaska’s Sen Murkowski is under fire for voting with her conscience and listening to her constituents who prior to Obamacare didn’t have health insurance instead of Party leadership – PB/TK

Why Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski isn’t afraid of Donald Trump – By Jeff Stein / July 28 2017

Thousands of Alaska’s indigenous people would have been at risk of losing their health insurance if Senate Republicans had successfully executed their plans to repeal Obamacare this week.
But many of the Alaska Natives were optimistic that Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) — whose political career they helped save in 2010 — would not abandon them, even in the face of an all-out campaign against her from President Donald Trump.
“The Alaska Native communities once saved Lisa Murkowski’s political career,” said Lloyd Miller, a natives’ rights attorney in Anchorage, ahead of the final vote. “And now she’s doing her best to save their health care.”
In the end, she delivered: Sens. Murkowski, Susan Collins (R-ME), and John McCain (R-AZ) killed Senate Republicans’ “skinny repeal” bill late Thursday night with three “no” votes.

Continue to vox.com article: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/27/16030520/murkowski-republican-health-bill


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