Why Everyone Should Own Some Cryptocurrency (US News)


    Why Everyone Should Own Some Cryptocurrency – By John Divine (US News) / Mar 4 2021

    Owning some high-quality cryptocurrency is no longer speculative. It’s fiscally responsible.

    NOT SO LONG AGO, cryptocurrency was considered by the mainstream financial media to be nothing more than a speculative fad. That era is over. The 2020s will be the first full decade where cryptocurrency is a legitimate asset class, and investors who don’t accept that reality and adjust their portfolios appropriately are missing out.

    Here’s why:

    Mainstream adoption.
    Minimizing trust in governments and institutions.
    Cryptocurrency is a hedge.
    A deterministic asset.

    Mainstream Adoption
    Although some might consider this first point to be the weakest, investors who believe in the power of long trends should pay close attention to the gradual mainstreaming of some of the “blue chip” cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, or BTC, and Ethereum’s cryptocurrency, known as ether, or ETH.

    CONTINUE >  https://money.usnews.com/investing/cryptocurrency/articles/why-everyone-should-own-some-cryptocurrency

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