Why the price of eggs went up in Colorado this year (Colorado Sun)


    Why the price of eggs went up in Colorado this year – By Tamara Chuang (Colorado Sun) / Nov 22, 2022

    Avian flu has killed off 85% of Colorado’s egg-laying hens amid high inflation. The industry says there’s no egg shortage — just higher costs for everyone.

    In July, Natural Grocers reluctantly raised the price of free-range eggs by a dollar for members of its loyalty program. But as signs posted around the egg shelves reminded shoppers at the time, “Even at $2.99, they are still priced less than they are at other stores.”

    The Lakewood-based grocery chain received little pushback from customers, said Katie Macarelli, the company’s spokeswoman. Likely because around the same time, gas was nearing an average of $5 a gallon in Colorado, the Federal Reserve had made its first of four (so far) three-quarter-point interest rate hikes, and the U.S. had just hit its largest inflation rate increase in 40 years.

    Still, it was still a tough decision for the company, which aims to offer healthy and affordable food options for customers. It has subsidized free-range and organic eggs for its {N}Power members since 2017.

    CONTINUE > https://coloradosun.com/2022/11/22/eggs-cost-prices-avian-flu-bird-inflation/


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