With cameras banned, CNN sends sketch artist to White House briefing


    Cameras were banned from Friday’s WH press briefing and CNN took advantage of the (stupidity) moment by sending their contracted court room sketch artist. Next maybe they should send a cartoonist. But why no cameras, is Press Sec Spicer afraid of the camera after Bannon called him fat last week – PB/TK

    With cameras banned, CNN sends sketch artist to White House briefing  – By Brian Stetler / June 23 2017

    The White House has been prohibiting cameras at some press briefings, so on Friday CNN got creative and sent a sketch artist.

    Bill Hennessy, the network’s regular sketch artist for Supreme Court proceedings, headed over to the White House on Friday afternoon and drew Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s afternoon briefing. He didn’t have his usual easel, but he stood in the back of the briefing room to document the scene.

    Hennessy’s sketches aren’t exclusive to CNN; other news outlets may also use them.

    Some conservative media voices dismissed it as a stunt, but CNN argued that the sketch session did serve a journalistic purpose, in the same way that courtroom sketches do.

    Continue to cnn.com article: http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/23/media/white-house-press-briefing-sketch-artist/index.html




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