With Roe in doubt, states weigh letting nurses do abortions (Seattle PI)


    With Roe in doubt, states weigh letting nurses do abortions – By Susan Haigh (Associated Press) / June 1, 2022

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Abortion rights advocates saw a problem: There’s a limited pool of medical providers who can legally perform abortions. In some states, one solution has been to authorize more providers beyond just physicians.

    But to allow other providers — such as advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants and certified nurse midwives — to perform early term abortions, changes in state laws were needed.

    These legislative drives gained increased urgency once a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion showed the justices appear ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.

    CONTINUE > https://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/With-Roe-in-doubt-states-weigh-letting-nurses-do-17212296.php


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