Woman with COVID-19 symptoms charged with coughing on nurse at Pa. medical facility (Pennlive)


    Woman with COVID-19 symptoms charged with coughing on nurse at Pa. medical facility – By Jana Benscoter (Pennsylvania Real-Time News) / Nov 21 2020

    Authorities say a 41-year-old Berks County woman deliberately coughed on a nurse while she was waiting to be seen at St. Luke’s Urgent Care Center in Hamburg, according to media reports.

    Jessica Saul, 41, of the 400 block of South Fourth Street in Hamburg was charged with reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, and harassment, police said. The incident happened on Nov. 10, when she became “irate” that she was told to wait in her car before being seen for a COVID-19 test.

    The woman went to the urgent care center because she said she thought she had COVID-19 symptoms, the Morning Call reported. She refused to wait in her car.

    When a nurse went to check on Saul, who “heard the commotion inside the care center,” to tell her the center’s COVID testing policy, “Saul removed her mask and coughed on the woman’s face,” police said.

    Before leaving the urgent care center, Saul said, “take that.”

    The nurse said she felt Saul’s spit in her eyes. She had to be tested for the coronavirus.

    Continue > https://www.pennlive.com/news/2020/11/woman-with-covid-19-symptoms-charged-for-coughing-on-nurse-at-pa-medical-facility.html


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