Home Liberal Women’s Rights Are Being Rolled Back to a Time Before Women Could...

Women’s Rights Are Being Rolled Back to a Time Before Women Could Vote (Slate)


Women’s Rights Are Being Rolled Back to a Time Before Women Could Vote – By Jill Filipovic (Slate) / April 17, 2024

If you thought overturning Roe was bad …

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, just months shy of the landmark abortion case’s 50th birthday, millions of Americans were stunned that the highest court in the land had just set our rights back half a century.

What we didn’t realize: Half a century is nothing. Less than two years after Roe fell, the conservative movement is taking women back not just 50 years. It’s rewinding the clock more than 150 years.

Case in point: Arizona’s abortion law, which is now in place statewide and which was passed 160 years ago, in 1864—when the Civil War was raging, before nearly a third of what are now the 50 U.S. states formally existed, and when women didn’t have the right to vote. Arizona itself wouldn’t be admitted to the Union for almost another half-century, having been recognized as an American territory only the year before.

CONTINUE > https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/04/arizona-abortion-ban-1864-trump-roe-womens-rights.html