Workers weary, patients angry as COVID-19 fills Michigan hospitals — again (Detroit Free Press)


    Workers weary, patients angry as COVID-19 fills Michigan hospitals — again – By Robin Erb, Bridge Michigan, and Kristen Jordan Shamus (Detroit Free Press) / April 10 2021

    With an eye on his father’s bloodied face, Barry Jensen began punching numbers into his cellphone from the hospital emergency room.

    His 90-year-old dad had fallen on a gravel driveway. His glasses were broken. His family worried that his bones might be, too.

    Seats inside the Beaumont Hospital emergency room in the Downriver community of Trenton were filled that day in late March. Several people lay on gurneys.

    The son remembers thinking “it looked like a scene from a disaster movie, just on a smaller scale.”

    A doctor might be free to see his father in another 3, 4, maybe even 5 hours, Jensen was told.



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