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Yes, Democrats need a civil war: Believe it or not, it’s the only real path back to power


Watching Bernie Sanders become the new face of the DEM is a head scratcher. There are so many potentials yet they choose a 70+ year old Socialist who’s only reason to be hanging around is for the DEM money to fill his campaign bank account. Shame on the DEM for kissing his ass and rolling with it – PB/TK

Yes, Democrats need a civil war: Believe it or not, it’s the only real path back to power – By Bill Curry / June 18 2017

In April, Bernie Sanders and Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez took off on a bumpy cross-country road trip. Their “unity tour” mostly served to highlight their differences and remind people that Sanders is not actually a Democrat. May it be a lesson to Democrats: Unity requires agreement, which requires debate.

Many expected 2016’s losing party to engage in fierce debate and a bloody civil war. Had Republicans lost, they’d have opened fire on one another in their concession speeches. Democrats took another tack. First, they rehired all their top management; their discredited consultants and decrepit congressional leaders. Then, in the spirit of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, they cancelled the debate.

Party elders say it’s no time to squabble. They always say that. The specter of an emotionally arrested, proto-fascist fraud in the White House adds force to their argument, but ducking debate is what got Democrats here in the first place. This is in fact the exact right time, maybe even their last chance, to have one. So, what’s stopping them?

One problem is President Donald Trump. The danger is that while rubbernecking his 50-car pileup of a presidency Democrats run their own car into a ditch. A favorite Democratic strategy is to sit idly by, waiting for Republicans to implode. Trump’s serial idiocy and fast-mounting legal woes may trick them into thinking this time it may work.  

Barack Obama is another problem. His charm was the glue that held Democrats together. They need to own their mistakes, which, by and large, are his. It’s a tender topic. Democrats in love with Obama prefer defending his legacy to saying what they’d do different. They pay a steep price for letting their feelings cloud their vision

Continue to salon.com article: http://www.salon.com/2017/06/18/yes-democrats-need-a-civil-war-believe-it-or-not-its-the-only-real-path-back-to-power/


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