Economic Uncertainty Grating on Americans’ Nerves – By Matt Haines (VOA News) / Mar 8, 2023
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — “Of course, the economy is affecting the way I spend,” Steve Mort, an IT manager in Nashville, Tennessee, told VOA.
“I’m prioritizing shorter-distance vacations I can drive to because of the high cost of air travel, and I’m trading my car in less often because it saves money at the dealership,” he said. “I’m making less visits to Starbucks, I’m cooking more at home, and I’m buying cheaper store-brand foods. I’m a lot more conscious of my expenses these days.”
Mort isn’t alone. In a February poll by Gallup, 35% of Americans mentioned economic problems as the biggest concern facing the country today. That number is sizable, but down from a peak of 46% in Gallup’s October survey.
That decline parallels America’s broader worry over the economy — moderating but still present. In that October poll, for example, 20% of respondents listed inflation as their primary concern. In February, that number dropped to 13% of respondents, second to the non-economic issue of government/poor leadership.