Biden roars back: Super Tuesday leaves ex-VP in airtight contest for delegates with Sanders (FOX News)


    Biden roars back: Super Tuesday leaves ex-VP in airtight contest for delegates with Sanders – By Paul Steinhauser (FOX News) / March 4 2020

    Get ready for a long and grueling road ahead as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders battle for the Democratic presidential nomination in a race that could possibly result in the country’s first contested major-party nominating convention in well over a half-century.

    The former vice president, surging to victory in the five southern Super Tuesday states and beyond, crowed to supporters at a primary celebration speech in Los Angeles after most of the results were in.

    “I’m here to report that we are very much alive,” Biden told a cheering crowd. “This campaign is taking off.”

    “I’m here to report that we are very much alive. This campaign is taking off.”
    — Joe Biden

    Hours later, the Associated Press projected Biden the winner in Texas – which had the second-largest cache of delegates on Super Tuesday.

    But Sanders, the populist senator from Vermont who’s making his second straight White House run, won California – the biggest prize on a day when one-third of all Democratic presidential convention delegates were up for grabs.

    “Tonight I tell you with absolute confidence we’re going to win the Democratic nomination,” Sanders, the self-proclaimed democratic socialist lawmaker, predicted as he spoke to supporters in his home state of Vermont.

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