How does the National Museum of American History expect people to visit the new 4th floor attraction on CIVICS when many Americans don’t want their children learning it in schools. Oh I’m sorry they want a “cliff notes” version of certain topics and an extension of others – PB/TK
Civics classes resume in renovated space at National Museum of American History – By Sandie Dingfelder / June 22 2017
WASHINGTON — Closed for renovations since 2012, the second floor of the National Museum of American History’s west wing will reopen Wednesday with a renewed purpose: to tell the story of American democracy and encourage people to participate.
Formerly the home of a hodgepodge of exhibits, including Julia Child’s kitchen and “First Ladies Fashions,” the renewed 30,000-square-foot space now seems like a cohesive, three-dimensional civics textbook — it even has a textbook-worthy name: “The Nation We Build Together.”
There are four new exhibits and an old one that has been updated. The first new display that most visitors will encounter is “American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith.” With such objects as the desk on which Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, a pair of shoes worn by a protester in the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and the red shawl worn by Susan B. Anthony, the exhibit traces our political system’s evolution from one where only white, property-owning men could vote to today’s more-or-less universal suffrage.
Another new exhibit, “Many Voices, One Nation,” looks at diversity in America and how different groups have cooperated or clashed over the course of the country’s history. It includes many objects showing varied cultures that took root here, including a pair of moccasins made by an early European explorer and an intricate table of inlaid wood featuring American plants and animals made by a German immigrant in the mid-1800s.
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