Defense Secy Mattis May Change Pres. Trump’s Transgender Rules


    DefSec Mattis has got his red pen ready to make changes to POTUS Donnie’s military transgender plan once he gets it… whenever he gets it. Wait a verbal directive was given a month ago without anything on paper still? Talk about governing by the seat of your pants- PB/TK 

    Defense Secy Mattis May Change Pres. Trump’s Transgender Rules – By OANN / Aug 15 2017

    Defense Secretary James Mattis suggests he may change President Trump’s transgender directives once he receives them.

    Mattis spoke to reporters at the Pentagon Monday, saying he has no doubt the White House will send him those guidelines soon.

    He said he will study it and come up with what the policy should be.

    Mattis added, Pentagon officials are working closely with the president’s team on the issue.

    The retired Marine General claims the rules would address whether or not transgender people can serve.

    It would also determine under what conditions they would serve as far as the medical support they need, and how much time they would be non-deployable.

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