Employers pick up the slack in civics lessons (Chicago Sun Times)


    Employers pick up the slack in civics lessons – By David Roeder (Chicago Sun Times) / Sept 28 2020

    Companies including Chicago’s Ferrara Candy are part of national effort to encourage employees to register and to vote.

    “Like all Americans, our companies have unique values. Yet we are united in envisioning a future where everyone is engaged in civics, starting with voting in every election.”

    So reads part of a pledge that members of the national Civic Alliance are asked to support. The members are corporations that have agreed to provide their workers nonpartisan information about registering to vote, casting ballots, and finding reliable facts about candidates and issues.

    To date, 246 companies in the U.S. representing 3.7 million employees have taken the pledge, according to the alliance. Anything they can do in this regard will be welcome.

    The word “civics” in that pledge made me stop short. You don’t see it much these days; “Civic” as in a civic center or civic organization is common, but “civics,” as in a curriculum about or knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, not so much. It’s not popular in schools anymore.

    Continue to article: https://chicago.suntimes.com/2020/9/28/21455207/employers-encourage-voter-registration-ferrara-candy

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