EPA warns to flush toilet paper only as hoarding takes toll on sewer systems – By Valerie Richardson (The Washington Times) / March 30 2020
Coronavirus stockpiling leads to backups as Americans run short of Charmin
The frantic coronavirus-spurred run on the nation’s toilet paper supply has begun to take its toll on America’s sewage systems.
The Environmental Protection Agency issued a statement Monday urging Americans to flush only toilet paper, not disinfected wipes or other items, to protect the nation’s wastewater management infrastructure.
“Flushing only toilet paper helps ensure that the toilets, plumbing, sewer systems and septic systems will continue working properly to safely manage our nation’s wastewater,” said the EPA statement.
The advice comes after weeks of toilet paper hoarding by consumers seeking to stock up in reaction to the coronavirus crisis as Americans are increasingly told to self-quarantine and stay at home to avoid spreading the illness.
Stories of plumbers working overtime abound. In Ohio, Roto-Rooter’s Adam Gould said clogged pipes from baby wipes and disinfected wipes are becoming a problem.
Continue to article: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/mar/30/epa-warns-only-flush-toilet-paper-hoarding-takes-t/