Extreme risk gun bill advances on party-line vote in Senate – By Dan Boyd (Albuquerque Journal) / Jan 28 2020
SANTA FE — A hotly-contested bill that would allow for court-ordered firearm seizures from New Mexicans deemed to pose a threat to themselves or others is one step closer to a decisive Senate floor vote.
The Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Act, also known as the “red flag” gun law bill, passed the Senate Public Affairs Committee on a party-line 4-3 vote on Tuesday, after more than two hours of emotional testimony and debate.
Sen. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces, one the bill’s sponsors, cited last year’s shooting rampage in El Paso — in which a shooter allegedly targeted Hispanics — and New Mexico’s high rates of gun deaths and suicide as reasons to enact the legislation.
“It’s time that New Mexico provide a mechanism for law enforcement and family members to protect themselves when individuals announce their intentions to do harm,” Cervantes said.
However, opponents questioned law enforcement agencies’ ability to temporarily store seized guns and said the proposed law could be misused in divorce cases.
“One life saved is important, but one life destroyed is something we also need to pay attention to,” said Sen. Candace Gould, R-Albuquerque.
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