It’s ‘not about the mask’ says Missouri organizer of vote to recall mayor for mandate (Kansas City Star)


    It’s ‘not about the mask’ says Missouri organizer of vote to recall mayor for mandate – By Melinda Henneberger (Kansas City Star) / July 14 2021

    On the drive here from Kansas City, I took in a whole conservative radio chorus of coronavirus misinformation. Natural immunity offers better protection than vaccination, said Rush Limbaugh replacements Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, which is exactly backward. You should get vaccinated if you’re over 65, they said, but don’t need to if you’re young. Which again, with serious COVID-19 cases on the rise in younger adults, is just not true.

    I don’t know how it could be ‘conservative’ to say, as a Newsmax host did, that “vaccination, in a weird way, is generally just kind of going against nature.” Yes, just like penicillin and indoor plumbing. But I do know that the current wave of this pandemic, which is filling hospitals and exhausting health care workers in the very Republican and largely unvaccinated Ozarks, has in no way been mitigated by Laura Ingraham’s guest who said no one under 30 should be vaccinated, or Charlie Kirk’s comment calling vaccination requirements for college students an “apartheid-style, open-air hostage situation.

    The endless comparisons to Nazi Germany and Communist China really only show how little we know or care about Nazi Germany and Communist China. And when the “pro-life” crowd at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference applauded the news that we aren’t meeting our vaccination goals, even as 95.5% of COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated, well, what is that but the dutiful depravity of the kind of mob that Shirley Jackson conjured in her 1948 short story, “The Lottery”?


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