Melania Trump Condemns Cyberbullying At The U.N. And Calls Upon Leaders ‘To Lead And Honor The Golden Rule’ (


    Melania Trump Condemns Cyberbullying At The U.N. And Calls Upon Leaders ‘To Lead And Honor The Golden Rule’ – By Kimberly Ricci ( / Sept 20 2017

    As predicted, Melania Trump delivered a speech during a U.N. luncheon on Wednesday. Her topic of choice involved the anti-bullying platform she’s been hinting at for several months, much to the raised eyebrows of anyone who’s checked out President Trump’s tweets, which include a whole host of insults ranging from berating Congress to referring to a female journalist as “a bimbo.” This morning, Trump even tweeted about “Crooked Hillary” again, while FLOTUS’ speech focused upon global youth and what they learn from witnessing adult behavior on social media.

    Over the course of seven minutes — you can see a short clip above and the longer speech below — Melania passionately argued against cyberbullying while appearing to have never noticed her husband’s harsh statements against his opponents. Here’s what Melania said about the Golden Rule:

    “I hope you will join me in committing ourselves to teaching the next generation to live by and honor the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Which is paramount in our society and a focus First Lady. It is our nation’s moral imperative to take responsibility for what our children learn. We must turn our focus right now to the message and content they are exposed to on a daily basis through social media, the bullying, the experience online, and in person.”

    The juxtaposition of Melania’s platform with the president’s behavior led one Twitter user to comment, “[She] spoke as if she never once met her husband.” Indeed, it will always be impossible for some to overlook how Trump mocked a disabled reporter, but it’s hard to imagine that Melania will be exposed to a future interview question about this incongruence. She did, however, speak out last year to condemn Trump’s comments about women as “unacceptable” and “offensive,” so never say never.

    PB/TK – I’m gonna say it… Hey it’s cool that FLOTUS Melania is finally getting her footing, but Mrs Trump needs to turn to her right and ‘Gibbs’ POTUS Donnie in the back of the head. Yes we don’t want our children learning inappropriate behavior, but when the POTUS needs to toss unprovoked twitter-bombs to make sure he’s the headline topic for the morning shows, well, the lesson begins at home first! 

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