Michigan’s Whitmer signs bill ending ‘tampon tax’ on women’s health products (FOX News)


    Michigan’s Whitmer signs bill ending ‘tampon tax’ on women’s health products – By Brie Stimson (FOX News) / Nov 5 2021

    Tampons, pads and other period-related products had been subject to Michigan’s 6% sales tax because they were considered “luxury” items

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a bipartisan bill Thursday that calls for the removal of sales tax from feminine hygiene products in the state.

    “After years of trying to repeal this tax, I am proud that we are bringing people together to put Michiganders first and drive down costs on these essential products,” Whitmer said in a statement. “Everyone should be able to take care of their most basic healthcare needs without an unnecessary added financial burden. Tomorrow, I will sign the second bill in the package to repeal this tax and cut costs for families as we usher in a new era of prosperity for Michigan.”

    Tampons, pads and other period-related products had been subject to Michigan’s 6% sales tax because they were considered “luxury” items.

    CONTINUE > https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-whitmer-tampon-tax-health-products

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