Mississippi commission to select state’s proposed new flag design (FOX News)


    Mississippi commission to select state’s proposed new flag design – By Brie Stimson (FOX News) / Sept 2 2020

    By law, the new design cannot include the Confederate battle flag, and it must have the phrase, “In God We Trust”

    A Mississippi commission on Wednesday will select the proposed design to replace the state’s current flag that the legislature voted to retire earlier this summer because of its inclusion of the Confederate battle emblem.

    Members of the public submitted nearly 3,000 entries for the new flag’s design and the commission has narrowed it down to two — a shield and a magnolia.

    The winning design will be put on the ballot for voters to approve in November. If voters reject the design the process will start again.

    Magnolias were a popular design among the entries that included some more offbeat proposals for the flag like a teddy bear, Kermit the Frog and most memorably a giant mosquito which briefly made it as a semifinalist due to an error.

    Continue to article: https://www.foxnews.com/us/mississippi-commission-to-select-states-proposed-new-flag-design-wednesday

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