Momentum Builds for Psychedelic Therapies for Troops, Vets – By Mark Satter (CQ Roll Call) / Nov 28, 2023
In 2004, Mike Gemignani enlisted in the Army after graduating from high school. A forward observer, he directed artillery units and Apache attack helicopters to their targets during his two tours in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division.
He eventually left the military, went to college and settled into a job. But a slow trickle of anxiety and depression soon followed.
He sought help through the Department of Veterans Affairs, where counselors prescribed him “fistfuls” of medication, including opioids and more drugs to counter their side effects. The drugs didn’t help his depression, and for days at a time he would do nothing, immobilized by the illness.
Gemignani’s story is not uncommon for those who served in the military. But now, after years of effort, momentum is building in Congress to explore a new path for service members and veterans struggling with psychological illnesses: psychedelics.