Prankster puts Putin’s portrait in Trump’s place in presidential gallery (New York Daily News)


    Prankster puts Putin’s portrait in Trump’s place in presidential gallery – By the associated press ( / July 29 2018

    Rather than a Trump portrait, people found one of Putin at the Colorado Capitol for a short time. (Mark Wilson / Getty Images)

    DENVER — The Colorado Capitol’s wall of presidential portraits is missing one — President Donald Trump.

    KUSA-TV reports the group that collects private donations for the portraits hasn’t received a single dollar needed to hang Trump’s picture.

    But on Thursday, a prankster placed a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin on an easel below the blank space on the wall where Trump’s portrait would go.

    The presidential portraits cost about $10,000 and are paid for through donations.

    Jay Seller of the Colorado Citizens for Culture, the group that collects the donations, says it took about four months to collect the money for the portraits of former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

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