Rep. Nancy Pelosi says Democrats won’t trade votes on DACA for border wall (OAN Network)


    Rep. Nancy Pelosi says Democrats won’t trade votes on DACA for border wall – By OAN Newsroom ( / Dec 6 2018

    House Speaker designate Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats will not trade votes on a DACA fix for border wall funding.

    During a briefing on Capitol Hill Thursday, the California Democrat told reporters permanent status for the so-called ‘Dreamers’ and border wall funding are two separate issues.

    Pelosi then said she would support a continuing resolution to fund the Department of Homeland Security for another year to avoid a border wall fight in January. She then referred to the wall as “immoral.”

    “Most of us, speaking for myself, consider the wall immoral, ineffective, expensive, and the president said he promised it…he also promised Mexico would pay for it, so even if they did, it’s immoral still and they’re not going to pay for it,” she stated.

    Pelosi also added, lawmakers can come to an agreement on border security funding, but a wall remains a different issue.

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