Republicans plan barrage of NDAA amendments on Afghanistan – By Chris Marquette (Roll Call) / Aug 31 2021
GOP has criticized Biden’s handling of U.S. withdrawal
The top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee said Monday the GOP has more than 50 amendments that seek to address the shortcomings Republicans see in the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“We want to find out what happened to the equipment that was left behind. We want to know why specifically Bagram was abandoned,” Alabama Rep. Mike D. Rogers said, referring to U.S. military equipment left by U.S. troops that ended up in the possession of the Taliban, the Afghan political movement now running the country, and why the U.S. decided to leave Bagram Air Base in July.
“The president and his State Department drove that decision, not the military,” Rogers said, contradicting President Joe Biden’s explanation.
Rogers, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans, some of whom served in Afghanistan, gathered Monday — the day the U.S. ended its ground presence in America’s longest war, which stretched nearly 20 years — to criticize Biden’s handling of the pullout.
CONTINUE > https://www.rollcall.com/2021/08/31/republicans-plan-barrage-of-ndaa-amendments-on-afghanistan/