Should employers force workers to get COVID-19 vaccine? Some experts say they should (USA Today)


    Should employers force workers to get COVID-19 vaccine? Some experts say they should – By Nathan Bomey (USA Today) / Aug 26 2020

    Employers grappling with COVID-19’s impact on the workplace may soon be forced to make another tough decision after months of agonizing over layoffs, furloughs and the right strategies to keep their businesses afloat during the pandemic.

    The next challenge? Should they require workers to take vaccines?

    Some companies concerned about liability issues, health and safety may need to decide whether to force their employees to get vaccinated if they want to continue working or return to the office, experts say.

    And some experts are already calling on employers to make it mandatory, which, they say, would generally be legal. But others caution against mandates, saying that they could backfire by making Americans more resistant to a vaccine they’re already concerned about and more likely to embrace anti-vaxxer sentiment.

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